Fair Use


Non Sequiturs: 04.28.19

* Adam Feldman poses -- and answers -- an interesting question: are particular justices more or less partial to certain lawyers' or law firms' positions? [Empirical SCOTUS] * Speaking of the federal judiciary, Carrie Severino offers this helpful scorecard of President Donald Trump's track record on judicial appointments -- which underscores, as she notes, the importance of the 2020 elections. [Bench Memos / National Review] * And speaking of President Trump, Joshua Matz and Laurence Tribe have this excellent explanation of why the Supreme Court does not have a role in adjudicating impeachments. [Take Care] * In the wake of the Mueller Report, Ilya Somin pushes back against conventional wisdom and takes this position: "Not all foreign interference in elections is unjustified. Far from it, in fact." [Volokh Conspiracy / Reason] * Fair use in the copyright context is an infamously amorphous concept -- so the Fourth Circuit's recent ruling in Brammer v. Violent Hues Productions deserves your attention. [All Rights Reserved] * Congratulations to Westlaw Edge, voted the "best new analytics product" by the readers of Dewey B Strategic. [Dewey B Strategic] * And congrats to Kira Systems on being picked by Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner as its AI solution for "high-volume workstreams" across the firm. [Artificial Lawyer] * If you're a libertarian-leaning lawyer with two to six years of experience under your belt, check out these great employment opportunities over at IJ. [Institute for Justice via Volokh Conspiracy / Reason]